One of the issues that people who are considering to have a rhinoplasty experience the most anxiety is the process of post-operative recovery and returning to daily life. There are supportive methods that are very easy to apply in daily life, which will support the recovery after rhinoplasty and support the most comfortable and fast completion of the healing process.
1. Improve your general health status as much as possible before rhinoplasty
After making an appointment for the surgery or deciding on this procedure, pay attention to your diet as much as possible. Limit your consumption of sugar and salt and minimize them as much as possible. Sugar slows down or disrupts many physiological activity in the human body. It causes situations such as reducing the absorption of vitamins and minerals or reducing the elasticity of the skin. The most important factor of salt is water retention. Limit salt consumption in the first few months after the procedure in order to minimize oedema and swelling on the face and nose and to heal quickly. Do not disrupt your diet, take care to eat fresh food as much as possible, consume greens and get enough protein.
2. Cold compress is very important after the surgery
Cold compress application immediately after the operation is done to reduce oedema and bruising. If cold compress is not applied or not done enough, the veins on the face will expand, and there will be more bruising and swelling under the eyes and around the nose than expected.
3. Use the highest possible pillow and do not sleep on your side
In the first week after the surgery, be careful to use double pillows and lie flat with your nose up, if your head is down, blood pressure will increase in the head area and bruises will occur. Likewise, if you lie on one side, bruising will occur due to the increase in pressure in the eye area on the side you lie on.
4. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption
Smoking and alcohol slow down the physiological activity of the body and delay cell regeneration. In addition to the late healing of the surgical area, alcohol will cause serious oedema on the face.
5. Eat well, recover quickly!
Prefer superfoods that will support bone, cartilage and connective tissue development after surgery. Include protein-rich meat, dairy products, and eggs, which are also selenium-rich, in your diet. Bone broth soups, which support cartilage and bone development, are very rich in collagen and minerals. Enrich the yoghurt, which is very successful in eliminating oedema, with red fruits and consume it as a delicious antioxidant. You can ask your doctor to recommend vitamins and supplements that he/she deems appropriate for you.