Gastric Bypass Surgery Offers Solutions to Health Problems Caused by Obesity

Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes: According to studies conducted, it has been determined that 80% of individuals with type 2 diabetes have overweight. Type 2 diabetes brings many problems such as kidney failure, stroke, blindness, neuropathy, heart diseases, impotence, and depression. Increasing body mass index with excess weight causes insulin resistance in the body, and […]

Breast Reduction Reduces the Risk of Breast Cancer

Breast reduction surgery is the process of surgically removing tissues such as skin, fat and breast, and giving the desired shape to the breast. Before surgical operation on the breast, comprehensive breast imaging and testing methods are used to learn the general condition of the breast in detail. As a result of these imaging tests, […]

5 Suggestions to Support Recovery in The Rhinoplasty

One of the issues that people who are considering to have a rhinoplasty experience the most anxiety is the process of post-operative recovery and returning to daily life. There are supportive methods that are very easy to apply in daily life, which will support the recovery after rhinoplasty and support the most comfortable and fast […]